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We Are TAPS (True American Posterity Sovereigns) PMA (Private Membership Association). We Are Uniting & Organizing Present Day True American Posterity Sovereigns.
Every man and woman living in the USA who is related by blood to the Original Colonialists and "Founding Fathers" who established the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America is the True and Only "Posterity" referenced in the Preamble to the Constitution for the United States of America. They, and they alone, are the Lawful, Legal, and Rightful Heirs and Owners of the Land and Government of the USA and are entitled to all Rights, Privileges, and Immunities equal to that of a Sovereign King. They are True American Posterity Sovereigns (TAPS). Their Birthright is that of a natural State Citizen possessing all Rights, Privileges, and Immunities. This is indisputable and inarguable. It is Reality, Truth, and Fact. It has been ruled upon and substantiated by the Supreme Court of the United States of America.
Thank You & God Bless You!
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Great News For Americans Whose Family Bloodlines Go Back To The Original Colonialists And "Founding Fathers" Who Established The USA!
The U.S. Government in the 10 mile square of Washington, D.C., is a Federal Corporation that is acting as the government over all 14th Amendment U.S citizens. See 28 USC, Section 3002, 15(A). That government is a corporation that is owned by the Crown of England. It has a Dunn and Bradstreet number, as do all government agencies that have been created by them. That includes State and Local Government Agencies. None of those Federal Corporate Governments are the legitimate government of the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America, like most "Flag Waving," "Don't Tread On Me," "Patriotic Americans" think. Nor are they the legitimate government of the modern day "We The People."
Who are "We The People" of the USA?
The "We The People" who wrote the Constitution for the United States of America, which starts off with "We The People," are dead and gone. So who are We The People? Fortunately, for many of us, but not for everyone living in the USA, the men who founded and established this nation did so for themselves and their bloodline descendants, or "Posterity" as they wrote in the Preamble to the Constitution for the United States of America: " the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."
Black's Law Dictionary, which is used by the courts in the USA, and Bouvier's Law Dictionary, which is used by the Supreme Court of the USA, both define "Posterity" as being Direct Bloodline Lineage. Supreme Court Rulings have also established that "Posterity" is Direct Bloodline Lineage.
Black's Law Dictionary
posterity n
1 : all of the lineal descendants of a person. 2 : all future generations.
All the descendants of a person in a direct line to the remotest gen POSTHUMOUS CHILD 920 POTENTIAL eration. Breckinridge v. Denny, 8 Bush (Ky.) 027.
One born after the death of its father; or, when the Cawa- reuu operation is performed, after that of the mother. Posthumus pro uato habetur. A posthumous child is considered us though boru, [at tlie parent’s death.] Hall v. Hancock, 13 Pick. (.Muss.) 258, 20 Am. Dec. 598.
Bouvier's Law Dictionary
POSTERITY, descents. All the descendants of a person in a direct line.
Every man and woman living in the USA who is related by blood to the Original Colonialists and "Founding Fathers" who established the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America is the True and Only "Posterity" referenced in the Preamble to the Constitution for the United States of America. They, and they alone, are the Lawful, Legal, and Rightful Heirs and Owners of the Land and Government of the USA and are entitled to all Rights, Privileges, and Immunities equal to that of a Sovereign King. They are True American Posterity Sovereigns. Their Birthright is that of a natural State Citizen possessing all Rights, Privileges, and Immunities. This is indisputable and inarguable. It is Reality, Truth, and Fact. It has been ruled upon and substantiated by the Supreme Court of the United States of America.
On September 03, 1783 King George signed the Treaty of Paris, which officially ended the American Revolutionary War. It is recognized in International Law and stands as a Valid Lawful Document to this very day. Treaty is Law. So what is in it for We The People?
King George recognized his former subjects as being Sovereigns and gave them the Lawful Right to establish their own Sovereign Nation. The Original Colonialists and "Founding Fathers" who established the USA stated in the Preamble to the Constitution for their new Sovereign Nation: " the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."
Chisholm vs Georgia is a Supreme Court Case that established and confirms the Reality, Truth, and Fact that Sovereignty devolved upon the People.
Minor v. Happersett is a Supreme Court Case that established and confirms the Reality, Truth, and Fact that "Posterity" in the Preamble to the Constitution for the United States of America is the Bloodline Lineage of We The People who founded the USA. What this case makes clear is the “who, what, and when” of a State Citizen. Multiple cases make it clear that a State Citizen is not the same as a Federal 14th Amendment citizen. There are distinctions all over the place. Furthermore, if this were not so they would not have provided multiple remedies for State Citizens, such as 28 USC 1746 (1) and (2).
The Founders and owners of the USA were State Citizens and True American Sovereigns via Article I of the Treaty of Paris, as are their Posterity by way of Privity Of Blood. Privity of blood is a legal term that refers to the relationship between people who are related by blood and share an interest in the same property or right. An heir and their ancestor are privies in blood.
Analysis and Interpretation of the Constitution of America Page 53 discusses this. That is a book that is put on the desk of every Congressman and Senator who goes to work for the government in DC. There are numerous Supreme Court cases that are relative to this matter. Over the next days, weeks, and months we will be putting them all together and having them on this website.
This is about putting together history, various processes that have taken place over the years, and multiple Supreme Courts Rulings that all work together to prove and uphold our position regarding the Founders and Owners of the USA and their Posterity. No one Supreme Court case will make the case. Although there are several Supreme Court cases that come very close to making the case on their own merit. There is much more to this matter than any one single Supreme Court case.
Our mission and goal is to wake up and alert the Posterity from the Founders of the USA as to who they are and what they are entitled to by way of Privity of Blood, Treaty, Law, and multiple Supreme Court Rulings.
True American Posterity Sovereigns are not equal to 14th Amendment citizens who only have certain Civil Rights and Limited Licensed Privileges. They are Superior in their "Posterity" Birthright possessing all Rights, Privileges, and Immunities. They have Vested Rights. This Reality, Truth, and Fact is unequivocally established, confirmed, validated, and proven by way of the Bible, Common Law, Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Treaty of Paris, Constitution for the United States of America, Supreme Court Rulings, and definitions of words as defined by Black's Law Dictionary and Bouvier's Law Dictionary. We have laid all of this out plainly, clearly, and inarguably for all to see, read, and comprehend.
All men and women who can prove their Ancestry and "Posterity" Birthright are invited and encouraged to join ranks with their fellow True American Posterity Sovereigns. Together we can, and we will, take back and exercise our Rights, Privileges, and Immunities. We can, and we will, reinhabit our Republic and take back our Government, Land, and Sovereign Nation for the good and betterment of all, as a Godly and Moral Nation. We have the Lawful and God-given Unalienable Right to do so.
Godlessness, evil, and corruption has infiltrated and hijacked our Republic by abandoning the Laws of Nature and Nature's God. Only True American Posterity Sovereigns who act Morally and Honorably under the Laws of Nature and Nature's God can reinhabit and maintain our Republic.
"Tis substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government." - George Washington
“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” - John Adams
"Of all the systems of morality, ancient or modern which have come under my observation, none appears to me so pure as that of Jesus....I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus."
- Thomas Jefferson
"A nation, as a society, forms a moral person, and every member of it is personally responsible for his society." - Thomas Jefferson
Morality And Virtue Are The Foundation Of Our Republic And Necessary For A Society To Be Free.
Reclaim Your Vested Rights, Which Are Protected And Secured By The 9th And 10th Amendments
When You JOIN Below We Will Keep You Aprised Of All Our Efforts On Your Behalf, And On Behalf Of All True American Posterity Sovereigns.
Private Memberships, Contributions, Donations, And Support Will Enable TAPS To Navigate The Courts, Supreme Court, And World Court If Need Be, To Regain And Ensure Our Vested Rights, Privileges, And Immunities.
NOTE: Even If You Are Not, By Bloodline And Birthright, A True American Posterity Sovereign (TAPS), Your Donation And Support Will Help Us To Unite And Organize TAPS. We Can, And We Will, Clean Up The Government Of The USA. Perhaps In The Future We Will Even Abolish The Current Corrupt Corporate Government As We, And We Alone, Have The Sovereign Authority To Do So.
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If Your Preferred Membership Processing Button Above Does Not Function Properly, Or To Read More About Why You Should Become A Member Or Donate, See Our Membership Page.
Membership is only for Men and Women who Get On Our Mailing List, pay their Annual Membership Dues, and can provide Proof of "Posterity" showing their Family Lineage goes back to the "Founding Fathers" and Original Colonialists who Fought, Sacrificed, Suffered, and Died to establish the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America and to acquire and maintain, for "Ourselves And Our Posterity," Sovereignty equal to that of a King with All Rights, Privileges, and Immunities.
Only True American Posterity Sovereigns (Members) Will Be Invited To Attend Our Private Phone, Video, and In-Person Conferences.
We Will Occasionally Have Public Conferences, Which Everyone On Our Mailing List Will Be Invited To Attend.
Your Private Membership, Contributions, Donations, And Support Will Help Us Wake Up And Educate True American Posterity Sovereigns, Navigate The Supreme Court, And Regain Our Vested Rights, Privileges, And Immunities So We Can Clean Up The USA.
Read Our Public Messages Below For More Information!
Below Are Links To Our Public Podcast And Zoom Meeting Video Discussions On Multiple Alternative Video Platforms.
Podcast 001
YouTube, Bitchute, Odysee, Rumble, UGETube
Zoom Meeting 001
YouTube, Btchute, Odysee, Rumble, UGETube
Zoom Meeting 002
Be Sure To Visit, Read, Watch, Listen To, Review, And Digest EVERYTHING That Has Been Published At The Two Most Important, Meaningful, Significant, Insightful, And Valuable Websites On The Internet For All Americans, Regardless Of Whether You Are A Birthright Posterity Sovereign, State National, Or 14th Amendment U.S. Citizen, As Well As For All Men And Women Throughout The Entire World: &
Also, Be Sure To Watch This All-Important Video:
Vaccines Are Being Used As Chemical Depopulation Bio Weapons
Bitchute Brighteon Odysee Rumble UGETube
True American Posterity Sovereigns
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